
Remembering Ryan: Continuing His Vision

Remember Ryan and How Bamba Box Started

The Story of Bamba Box Gift Boxes Bamba Box gift boxes were created by four-time cancer survivor, Ryan Hamner.

Ryan’s Story

gift boxes for kids with cancerBamba Box gift boxes were created by four-time cancer survivor, Ryan Hamner.

Hamner, who had cancer at ages 6, 9, 11, and 21 years of age, underwent many medical procedures, treatments, and surgeries while going through cancer.

As a child with cancer, Ryan’s grandparents, “Bamba” and Granddaddy, would bring him a gift box every time they visited him in the hospital.

“When you’re a kid, going into surgery—procedures or something like that can be pretty scary. The gift box my grandparents always promised me after my procedure gave me something to look forward to. It helped me get through some tough times as a kid,” the four-time survivor said.

Today, with the help of Bamba Box gift boxes for kids, Ryan’s family continues his legacy to brighten the days of children all around.

More Than Just a Gift Box...

From 4x Cancer Survivor, Ryan Hamner.

Every recipient receives a FREE virtual game building session from Code Ninjas, access to the Bamba Box members area, FREE music downloads!