gift boxes for kids

Gift Boxes for Kids

Bring Joy to Kids Facing Health Issues and Their Families

When you gift a Bamba Box, you support a child facing health obstacles and their siblings. “Gift a Box,” and we’ll ship it to a child on your behalf.

About Bamba Box Gift Boxes for Kids

ryan hamner bamba box gift was created by a four-time cancer survivor, Ryan Hamner. After his last bout with the disease in 1998, he wrote the educational storybook for children with cancer, You’ll Be All Right, Buddy! that was originally published by Blue Cross and Blue Shield—and more recently published his memoir, This is Remission.

In 2010, on his “Hear the Heart” Tour, Hamner performed around the South and Southeast singing to both adults and children affected by cancer. From there, he went on to record his song, “Where Hope Lives” for the American Cancer Society. And today, he is a regular contributor to Cure Today.

Hamner, who had cancer at ages 6, 9, 11, and 21 years of age, created Bamba Box to help kids have better days.

As a child with cancer, Ryan’s grandparents, “Bamba” and Granddaddy, would bring him a gift box every time they visited him in the hospital.

“When you’re a kid, going into surgery—procedures or something like that can be pretty scary. The gift box my grandparents always promised me after my procedure gave me something to look forward to. It helped me get through some tough times as a kid,” the four-time survivor said.

Today, Ryan wants to bring happiness to kids in the hospital, their siblings, or any kid who needs a better day.

What’s in a Bamba Box Gift Box Anyway?

gift boxes kids

What exactly is in a Bamba Box? Well, that’s the fun part—wondering what’s in the Bamba Box. We ship fuzzy animals, games, puzzles, things that glow in the dark, things that grow in the water, things you put together, and even dinosaurs to kids anywhere in the U.S. Oh, and we also ship men with parachutes.

*We do not ship edible items. If you have any questions about Bamba Box, please contact us.

The Parachute Man

Every Bamba Box will come with a parachute man—and these guys are important.

As a child, one of Ryan’s favorite gifts to get in his Bamba Box was the parachute man. It’s a simple toy that can be tossed into the air and will float to the ground as the chute opens.

Why Does the Parachute Man Matter?

The parachute man is a symbolic of hope as we prepare for our next adventure.  As member join us and share your hope as Ryan perform his song, “Where Hope Lives,” written and recorded for the American Cancer Society.

Where We Ship Gifted Boxes

We currently deliver gifted Bamba Boxes to:

  • Ronald McDonald House of Atlanta, GA
  • Ronald McDonald House of Atlanta, GA (Gatewood Location)
  • Ronald McDonald House of Jacksonville, FL
  • Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville, FL

Want to Cheer Up a Child in the Hospital or Their Siblings?

If you don’t personally know of a child with health issues, gifting a Bamba Box allows you to support children facing health obstacles and family members. “Gift a Box,” and we’ll ship it to a child on your behalf.

It’s More Than Just a Gift Box

  • Personalized Letter

    Every box includes a personalized letter from Ryan.

  • Membership Access

    Each child will receive access to the Members Only area of Bamba Box. Here, children can enjoy a personalized message from Ryan and a review of his favorite toys.

  • FREE Downloads

    In the Members Only area for Bamba Box, kids will also be able to download two of Ryan’s songs free.

How to Order Our Gift Boxes for Kids

step 1 select a box

Step 1 - Click Below

Click the green "Gift a Bamba Box Now" button below.
step 3 pay securely online

Step 2 - Pay Securely Online

On the following page, add your item(s) to the cart and make your payment online securely with any major credit card, PayPal, or Google Pay.
step 2 select boy or girl

Step 3 - Pat Yourself on the Back!

Smile and pat yourself on the back. You are about to make a child really happy.

What They are Saying About Bamba Box Gift Boxes

gift boxes for kids bamba box


Family Support Services

“What a wonderful gift to provide a fun surprise to young ones in our care.”
gift box for kids



“Thank you so so much for the Bamba Boxes! They have been a big hit so far with our families.”
gift box for a kid

Box Recipients


“We received our box from our friend…she loves the gift and goodies.”

Gift a Bamba Box Gift Box Now

gift boxes for kids
Up to 10+ toys per gift box!
Access to Member’s Area with FREE downloads!
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