Mystery Gift Boxes

Mystery Gift Boxes for Kids: Why They Rock

In this blog, I’m going to talk about Bamba Box mystery gift boxes for kids. I’m going to shine a little light on why kids love receiving a package full of surprise gifts. And, trust me, nobody can vouch for these things better than me. I grew up on them, and they got me through some tough times.

Let’s take a look.

1. Mystery Gift Boxes Create Excitement on Another Level

When kids want “an” item, one item, they focus on it. Sometimes, kids become totally obsessed with getting that video game, that Nerf gun, that LOL ball that costs a ridiculous amount of money, or whatever else they might be fixated on.

In these situations, they know what they are getting—one single item. However, with a mystery gift box full of surprises, they have no idea what they are getting. This creates excitement. Also, with Bamba Box mystery gift boxes, kids don’t just receive one item in their gift box. They receive multiple items. Bamba Box is literally a box full of toys.

As a matter of fact, the majority of our mystery boxes come with ten or more gifts! These gift boxes may include toy fingerboards, games, puzzles, candy, squishies, things that glow in the dark, vintage games, bracelets, hacky sacks, and even capes. Honestly, the list of potential Bamba Box items is so long we can’t list everything here.

Potential Items in a Bamba Box Mystery Box

  • Fingerboards
  • Games
  • Puzzles
  • Candy
  • Vintage parachute men
  • Squishies
  • Glow toys
  • Grow toys
  • Bracelets
  • Things you put together
  • Foamy toys
  • Stuffed sloths (Yeah, really!)

2. Gift Boxes are Less Likely to Disappoint a Kid

So back to what I was saying earlier. When kids fixate on that one toy they want so much, sometimes after receiving the toy, it doesn’t meet their expectations. In other words, that toy is a disappointment. Ugh!

I can remember as a kid, wanting that one thing. I can remember saving my money, making the purchase, and going home only to be disappointed.

What’s very cool about a mystery gift box for kids is that the box contains so many options. In other words, there’s a very good chance that a child is going to like several of the items and not be disappointed. I mean, what kid doesn’t like Flarp or Pop Rocks? Heck, I’m a grown man and still love both of those things, but keep that to yourself, please.

3. Mystery Gift Boxes are Easy

When searching for that perfect gift to surprise a kid, often, you have to shop endlessly. You have to spend hours going from store to store, wait in lines, and risk the chance of not even being able to find the item at all! It can be like shopping at Christmas time. And that’s what makes Bamba Boxes so great. They are the complete gift that you can easily order online—ready to go and guaranteed to make kids happy.

Benefits of Bamba Boxes Mystery Boxes

  • Allow you to save time with shopping
  • Help you avoid waiting in lines
  • Are complete gifts
  • Can be ordered online
  • Are guaranteed to make a kid happy

4. Our Box Comes with a Membership Site and Free Downloads

Now, this is the one really cool thing about the Bamba Box mystery gift box for kids. It comes with a membership area for the kids. Here, they can download two of my songs for free. They can also watch a video of me playing my song, “Where Hope Lives.”

5. Free Concerts

Yes, we thought the free membership area was pretty cool, but what about a mystery gift box that also comes with a free concert? That might sound impossible, but it’s not.

It works like this. If a Bamba Box comes with a parachute man signed by me (Ryan Hamner), the recipient of that parachute man will receive a free virtual concert via FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, or whatever video chat software you have access to.

6. We Do Custom Mystery Boxes for Kids

Yep, a really cool thing about Bamba Boxes is that we serve ages 4 to 5, 6 to 8, and 9 to 12, and now teens. We also have a “Parent Pack” gift box that’s pretty cool, too.

Aside from that, we do custom Bamba Boxes. This means we can do custom gift boxes for kids, teenagers, adults, people who like certain items, or customize a box for a child in particular circumstances.

For example, currently, Bamba Box works with foster kids, kids in the hospital, and kids fighting cancer. We make mystery gift boxes specific to each of these groups.

We love making the perfect custom mystery box for anyone you have in mind! So please contact us and let us know what you are thinking. We will make the ultimate mystery gift box happen for that special someone you have in mind.

Recap: Mystery Gift Boxes for Kids

So next time you set out to surprise a kid, try a Bamba Box mystery gift box. They create suspense and excitement. Also, it’s much easier ordering one of our Bamba Boxes mystery gift boxes for kids than it is having to go out and shop in crowds. Who likes doing that?

Additionally, our mystery gift box comes with access to a membership website, free downloads, and maybe even a free concert!

Have questions about Bamba Boxes? Contact us!

Ready to order a Bamba Box, click here?

Ryan Hamner

Ryan beat cancer at ages 6, 9, 11, and 21. He enjoys coffee, weights, and words. He once ate a roly-poly and also defeated a man in an arm-wrestling match who wore a cape. Cats make Ryan sneeze.

Published by
Ryan Hamner

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